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      It turns out that going 50km/h to pass a vehicle going 20km/h
in an 80 km/h zone is reckless driving. I know this because the other day I was
the driver going 50km. I was in a zone where there was a dotted line and so I
figured since the person in front of me is going sooo slow I will pass them, it’s
all clear on the other side, and once I pass I can get to my translator and not
be late for the first time. So I speed up to pass in what I thought was a
passing zone and not a minute later I was pulled over. The female officer asked
me if I knew my offense and I said no. She said then in an angry tone, “You don’t
know what you did wrong?” again I said no. So she proceeded to tell me that I passed illegally in a “no passing”
zone and THAT was reckless driving, punishable by a night in jail, a 2000 rand
($200) and a court date.

      She told me I was being arrested and I needed to go to jail
with her. I told her “I can’t go to jail today because I am going right now to
teach children about the Bible” Well she didn’t really like that and said I
should call and tell the somebody that I wasn’t coming because I was going to
court and then sleeping at jail until I paid R2000. I replied, “I can’t pay
that and I can’t go to jail.” She didn’t like that and so I said can I give you
R60 and get a ticket because I was REALLY sorry and I just didn’t have time for
jail today. She said she didn’t have a receipt book and so she couldn’t give me a ticket. I said I can still give you the money and I don’t need a

this is not the actual police car that pulled me over ๐Ÿ™‚

     Then she was really upset again and asked if I was trying to
bribe her, I told her no, but that I needed to get going because my translator
was waiting for me to pick her up so we could go and teach the children. So
then, me in my brilliance said, I have a piece of paper, you can just write me
out a receipt and then I can go. She said it was no good. Then she asked me who
was going to court that day if I wasn’t going to go, and I told her I didn’t
know but it couldn’t be me. She didn’t want the paper and finally said, don’t
drive recklessly and walked away. I called out thank you and drove off. I ended
being late once again in picking up my translator. I tried to explain what
happened, why I was late, but she just said I always had excuses.

6 responses to “A Cultural Lesson”

  1. Sometimes people’s nonacceptance of excuses and reality is merely arrogance and pride on their part.

    That does not negate the flaw of being constantly late that many of us have. But often, the failure to understand someone else’s situation just as sinful as being late.

  2. That was a good one. I got a stern lecture over the once for speeding and I asked what was the fine? It was R18. OK – I paid it and was on my way laughing.

  3. Great story. Sometime wonder if that is what God thinks. I always have excuses, which may seem valid to me, but viewed by someone else is just “another one”.

    Luv ya

  4. You’re allowed to tell an officer that you don’t have time for jail? I, of course, do not feel that you deserved jail time, but I find it hilarious that you can just tell an officer that jail isn’t good for you today.

    I’m confident that you WILL make it to your translator’s on time on a regular basis, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take care, Cutie.

  5. OH MY GOSH! I love this story. I will be sharing it with many!!!
    And next time I get pulled over I too am gonna tell the officer that I don’t have time for jail. I am with Dawn who knew you could just be honest and say “I don’t have time”. Sounds to me, by her asking you who is going to court, she just had a court quota and you were gonna fill it! Glad to see you are doing well!
    Love ya,

  6. So was anybody ever able to help you figure out what was wrong with what you did?

    BTW, I’m a former missionary to Swaziland so I understand how strange encounters like this can be. I also got off once because I was on my way to the church preschool where I worked and didn’t have cash on me to pay the officers. ๐Ÿ™‚