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Thoughts & Inspiration

I have to begin this blog by apologizing, for the past month I have been really bad about communication. My lame excuse is that I got spoiled when I was home and could get my computer at any moment and have internet access right in the middle of the kitchen and now that I am back in Swaziland, I have to drive to the office to get an internet connection. I know, lame. Part of why I have been bad has also been that this past month I have been in a bit of a low spiritually. I have struggled to do my quiet times and felt like my prayers were hitting the ceiling. I would open the Bible (because that’s the right thing to do) and read the words on the page and that’s all it felt like to me, was words on a page, I might as well have been reading a novel.  But God is faithful even when we are not and though it’s not easy to go from ho-hum to super excited, the past week has been really good and the Bible is coming alive to me again. This I am sure is because of the prayers of those I shared this with.
While it has nothing specifically to do with ministry here, it has everything to do with everything. I listened to a message from John Piper on Sunday and he was preaching from Hebrews 1:3. The verse talks about Jesus sustaining all life through his Word. Intellectually I know this, but while John Piper was speaking, it hit me deeper inside than it ever had before. The very reason I exist day to day is because Jesus speaks my existence into being, WOW!! that’s amazing!! it’s incredible!! I like exclamation points 🙂 But think about it, you and I exist and breathe each day because Jesus says we can, same as when the earth was created, it was created by the Word of God, because before that there was nothing.  So my blah spirit was blown away and renewed by the fact that I, little ole me is so important to God that He continues to let me live each day.
I didn’t mean to preach, but I had to share this. If you are feeling like life is just “whatever” and are wondering what the heck you are here for, know that there is a very good reason you are here and God has something for you to do, otherwise why would he continue to speak your life into existence and let you live. I don’t know what God has for each person reading this and some days I am not quite sure what I am doing, but I can rest assured that God knows, He cares, and He wants the best from me and for me.
I hope this encourages someone today. Thanks to everyone who holds me in their prayers, without you, I can do very little. God bless you 🙂

8 responses to “The Reason I Exist”

  1. It is a blessing to see you blessed with this truth – I am glad in the midst of “ministry” that you are hearing form the Lord and being assured of His love and plans for you.

  2. Christine, David in Psalm 23 expresses similar things. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (or darkness and perhaps doubt)I will fear no evil for You are with me….”
    You see no matter what, God is still there and still watching out for you even when you are not aware and are in despair. In the next section he talks about God’s rod and staff. His rod will always give you protection, and His staff will forever guide you.
    You are correct when you say we live because God allows it. But better than that, we live because Jesus lives in us, and therefore we will never die!
    Before you were born God knew you, and not you alone but He knows everyone. Who God knows He loves whether people accept that or not, His love is unconditional.
    Sorry for the ramble, sometimes it is good for me to recommit to what I already know.
    You are blessing Christine, more than you know or could imagine. You touch lives that most of us will never touch. Even in the tough times, you are still watched over and loved.

  3. Hi Christine. I think all “seasoned” Christians go through a period like thata time of feeling spiritually dry. It’s a desert period. But God makes streams in the desert! Your testimony of being hit with the power of His word through that Piper reading is a beautiful example of that. It’s hard to be in the desert, but it leaves you thirsting for moreand that’s a good thing!

    I will keep you in prayeras always!


  4. Christine,
    I echo what Janet said, we all hit deserts, so it’s that much more amazing when God reveals a little bit of Himself to us as we yield to Him and come out of the doldrums. And yes, He is no less God in the midst of the desert than on the mountaintop. Keep on serving Him as you bless, disciple and love those girls.

  5. Christine, I have been there in that dry place this week myself. Your email has helped alot also the other comments.We have to many distractions here and then we lose the closeness Jesus brings. The message from Piper has zeroed in on many of us. Thank you. Keeping you in prayer. Carmella

  6. Hi,Christine
    God’s goal is for us to become fully alive in Him. We all go through rough patches but, we keep our focus on the Lord and He will always deliver us through it. God blesses you everyday so you can be a blessing to others. I am keeping you in my prayers.

    In Christ’s Love,

  7. Christine;

    Thank you for sharing what God showed you. It truly has blessed me more than you know. God’s word is truly alive and active and when we apply it, it becomes more powerful.

    I will pray that God continues to reveal Himself through His wonderful word.

    I love you precious,


  8. Hi Christine,
    I’m so glad to hear your first reaction was to go to God’s word.I also had a bad week and I didn’t feel much like going to the word but I did and it lifted me out of my pit I was in.
    Praise God for his word- it is life giving for our souls. God is our rock!!! You are such a gift to God and his children and I pray for you that you would be overflowing with Joy in Him that your days will be a blessing to all you serve.” Be of good cheer for I have over come the world”.
    In love,peace and joy,